
I remember visiting Vishnu Springs with friends and family in the mid-1980s through around 2000. Its an almost enchanted spot. Is there a status report on the rehab of the hotel?

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I have been Macomb for almost 10 years and have heard the much about Vishnu Springs. I am fascinated with the haunting rumors as well as the historical facts about Vishnu Springs. I would love to visit and learn more as well as see any improvements upon a historical place.

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This is a response to a message titled: "funds for 2nd & 3rd fl"

Hi Jane: That's a very good question, unfortunately, not one I can answer. The site and hotel are the property of and managed by the Western Illinois University Vice President for Advancement and Public Services Area and the question would have to be addressed to Brad Bainter, the executive director. They are the decision-making body for the future of Vishnu Springs. This site is managed by the Friends of Vishnu, which is a support group to the site. We have worked with the university to help keep the property around the hotel maintained. With the university's permission, we have also hosted several open houses so that people can view the property and visit the lowest level of the hotel to see what it looks like today. There is a possibility that there may be an open house this year, but no date has been set yet. Our group also works to educate the public on the history and current status of the hotel. I hope this helps. I would certainly, though, pose the question directly to Mr. Bainter for his reply. Marla

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