
Save the date - Sunday October 9, 2011 for an open house at Vishnu Springs. More details to come.

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A friend and I share an interest in all these small towns and resorts that have faded into the foliage in Illinois. If there is ever an opportunity to visit Vishnu Springs, could you please contact me? Thank you so much for the history and photos.

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The Friends of Vishnu will be meeting soon to determine if there will be an open house this fall. We will post to this site - and to the group page on facebook when we know what's going on.

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Back in the 70s, John Ryan married Laury Geyer at Vishnu. The group photo was on the cover of Sunrise magazine. Have you ever seen this ?

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This is a response to a message titled: "Vishnu Open House"

A friend of mine and I tried to come to Vishnu yesterday in the early afternoon. I am familiar with the area having grown up near Carthage, but we were never able to find Vishnu and I didn't see this site until late yesterday morning. We ended up somehow (vs. bad directions found on the net) south of Tennessee on a county road that dead ended. We chose to hike back into some pasture land that had an old dirt road and see if we may have found Vishnu, but nope. What we did find was an old abandoned buggy frame and an old iron/plank bridge that deadended into a cow path. The bridge crossed the LaMoine River though. Still we got some good nature walking in and some cool photos of another place long forgotten. Could you please email me the next time that you are having a gathering at Vishnu Springs with the right directions? Thank you Izzy

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