
This is a response to a message titled: "make original again!!!!!!"

Mr Law has a point I share his sentiments give help do what ever you can to help I heard some of the funding went to the biology department at wiu that is kind of dishearting to me wiu needs to focus on the historical aspects not wild life refuge.......

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This is a response to a message titled: "welcome"

I really hope someone with a true vision gets there their hands on this thing it isnt about money this is a piece of history and we will miss the chance to save it if we dont act soon so dont be cheap give in time or money stories pictures what ever just do it

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This is a response to a message titled: "welcome"

I really hope someone with a true vision gets there their hands on this thing it isnt about money this is a piece of history and we will miss the chance to save it if we dont act soon so dont be cheap give in time or money stories pictures what ever just do it

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