
This is a response to a message titled: "Open House 2017"

The Open House will not be rescheduled this year. Plans are to schedule an open house for the fall of 2018. Watch this website or Facebook for the details! Randy Powell, Co-Chair Friends of Vishnu

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This is a response to a message titled: "Cancellation"

Hello everyone! I would like to know if the open house at Vishnu Springs will be rescheduled. I am very interested in the history of Vishnu Springs, as are some of my friends and family, and we would love to see what is left in person. It would be an amazing experience and I hope that it can happen sometime in the future!

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This is a response to a message titled: "I lived there!"

did you get hitched to john ryan? lived there about 72 0r so ... finest place in western illinois .. in 74 i lived on the farm in south tennesee with hornski ...went back east in 75..

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This is a response to a message titled: "Open House 2015"

We may know more next week about whether or not there will be an open house this year. Information will be posted on this site and on the facebook page.

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